Online Registration Open From Nursery to Class 12

R. P. Public School

Discipline, Devotion, Success

R.P. Public School

Discipline, Devotion, Success



Intellectually competent one who is mastered those academic subjects required for the respective public examination, skills of language, critical thinking, power of expression both oral and written, gradually leading on to greater precisions, personal style, curiosity to explore ideas, initiative and creativity.
Morally sound developing moral attitude and principles as he/she grows towards moral maturity, assimilating especially the values stressed in the preamble of the constitution of India.
Spiritually oriented: One who is aware of God’s presence and action in creation, in human history and in his own personal history; has experienced moments of God’s love in his / her personal life; has appropriate knowledge of the basic doctrines of his/her faith; has had some exposure of other religious traditions than his/her own; understands the significance of the main religious festivals in the country.
Loving: one who is learning to accept oneself with strength and weakness. Communicates more easily with others. Feels at ease with persons of the oppositesex. Has begun to appreciate We long to create a human society, free from prejudices, superstition and discriminations based on sex, religion, cast and economic status and characterized by respect for the dignity of human person leading to concern for each other especially the underprivileged.
In order to make trhis dream into a reality R.P. Public School Telipara solicit the co-operation of the parents and teachers.

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